Daily Fuel Gauge Report: What are Obama's Policies Costing You Today?
Site of the Day: Batshit Crazy News (I'll be writing over there, check it out)
LL 1885′s Picks:
Another Transmit this to Vladimir moment: US asks Palestinians to sit tight
Free press decides what free speech is: 'Innocence of Muslims' doesn't meet free-speech test
The coming Blasphemy laws: Video: DoJ Civil Rights Division chief can’t commit to protecting free speech
State Run Media is not a cliche, it's reality: Justice Dept. regularly enlists Media Matters to spin press
All of the above energy policy: Alpha closing 8 mines, cutting 1,200 jobs in all
What a great 'win': Obama 2010: Taxpayers positioned to recover more than was invested in GM — 2012: Gov’t can’t sell back GM because taxpayers would lose billions (in an election year… gasp)
The EPA is out of control: EPA's four-gallon minimum mandate
Must Reads Of The Day:
If this is the 'secret' Romney, how are we supposed to tell him apart from the public one? They sound pretty much the same and the people like it.
Full "Secret "Video of Private Romney Fundraiser
SECRET VIDEO: On Israel, Romney Trashes Two-State Solution
Romney Reacts to 47 Percent Video, Stands By Remarks
The Democrats think Romney just self-destructed by pointing out, um, THEIR ENTIRE STRATEGY
PUNCHING BACK TWICE AS HARD: Romney Defends Leaked Comments, Hits Obama For 1998 “Redistribution” Line. (MUCH more at the Link. Hit it)
MITT ROMNEY RESPONDS to Leaked Fundraiser Video – Slams Obama (Video)
Videotaping of Secret Romney Tapes May Have Violated Florida Law
Election 2012:
Obama Campaign Bans Cell Phones at New York Fundraiser
Obama says he works ‘for everybody, not just for some’ Related: Obama: Jay-Z ‘knows what my life is like’
Demoralized as Hell, The poll the media isn't talking about edition Related: Voter Registration In NC
Sept. 18 Gallup Tracking Poll: Obama Vs. Romney - DNC bounce totally gone.
How to Commit Voter Fraud in Ohio
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